Destin Sandlin of the Smarter Every Day YouTube channel recently visited the EBR-1 outside Arco, Idaho. As Atomic Tourists, we wanted to share his video.
Destin goes on a tour of the Experimental Breeder Reactor (EBR-1) with the Idaho National Laboratories. In addition, as an engineer and science communicator, he provides a great explanation of nuclear power and specifically a breeder reactor.
As a reminder, the EBR-1 is a National Historic Landmark where usable electricity was first generated in 1951. The facility is open to the public from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, every day from 9am to 5pm, for self-guided tours. Usually, during Atomic Days in Arco (third weekend in July), INL volunteers are are on hand to answer questions and provide guided tours.
Self-guided tour brochure: