2019 Atomic Advent Calendar Gift Ideas Day 5.

Running a toy train set around the tree during the holidays brings an air of nostalgia to kids of all ages. Share the joy you experienced with the young ‘uns in your life by introducing them to these fabulous Atomic Energy Commission toy trains.
What kid hasn’t dreamed of tending to their own uranium ore cars? Can’t dig a bomb shelter in your backyard? You can be one of the travelers in your own Mobile Fallout Shelter. Know that you’re doing your part for the Cold War by transporting Spent Fuel Rods to safe storage among our nuclear stockpile. How do you get there? With a glow-in-the-dark, life-like AEC diesel engine chugging you through the nuclear winter.
Atomic Energy Commission toy trains have been part of many sets over the years, ever since its founding in 1947. Lionel, for example, has included atomic and nuclear cars in its line. For the N-gauge versions pictured above, Micro Trains is your source.